Friday, July 6, 2012

The Best Laid Plans

“The best laid plans of mice and men, Often go awry.”

~ To A Mouse,  A Poem by Robert Burns

Last night, I blogged that my plans after publish my post include a walk on the treadmill, Day 5 of the #30dayabchallenge, and making a dinner of grilled chicken and roasted squash. I managed to get in my workout thanks to the magic of full episodes of Jake and the Neverland Pirates on the internet – two episodes kept my daughter entertained for nearly an hour. That hour was enough time to walk for nearly 2 miles and complete the Day 5 exercises.

But my dinner plans went awry.  Normally, in our house, one spouse will prepare dinner while the other prepares our daughter for bed. Last night, my husband came home feeling very ill  - so while he lay dozing on the couch – I was left to solo parent. This meant I had the responsibility for feeding my daughter, bathing her, giving her medicine, and getting her to sleep. None of those is an easy task when dealing with a spunky two year old.  By the time her nightly routine was finished, I had no energy to cook dinner and no appetite. So I made my husband a bowl of chicken noodle soup, and I ate a serving of dark chocolate almonds and scoop of Justin’s Maple Almond Butter.

I realized that while I keep my fridge and pantry stocked with healthy foods, I don’t have any really options for quick meals.  This weekend I intend to grill several chicken breasts to keep in the fridge to use for salads, wraps, or sandwiches. I am also going to make a few quiches and frittatas to freeze. This way the next time my dinner plans go awry, I can eat something more balanced and nutritious.

Things to talk about: Who prepares dinner in your household? What are your go-to quick dinner ideas?

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